Summary note "Guide to industry-wide CSR initiatives" : l'Orse et le Medef promeuvent à l'international l'engagement RSE des fédérations professionnelles françaises

Publié le 28/11/2017 , mis à jour le 31/07/2018

Le Medef et l'Orse ont réalisé un état des lieux des dispositifs d'accompagnement sur la RSE développés par les fédérations françaises. 

Vous pouvez retrouver la version intégrale de l’étude en français en suivant ce lien.

Une synthèse en anglais a été publiée afin de promouvoir à l’international l'engagement RSE des fédérations professionnelles françaises.

Medef, French business confederation, and Orse, French study center for corporate social responsibility, joined forces to publish in 2014 and 2016 two guides to industry-wide CSR initiatives (in French). In total, 19 sectors* contributed and shared with us the CSR challenges of their industry and CSR initiatives implemented at the federation level to accompany member companies.

We share with you today a translation of the introduction and analysis part of the 2016 guide, aiming at sharing best CSR practices from professional federations and encouraging the development of such practices. The document details the tendencies in industry-wide CSR initiatives we observed, illustrated by concrete examples from French federations. 

For Medef and Orse, industry-wide CSR initiatives promote convergence of practices and innovation, while taking a more holistic viewpoint of a sector as a whole and fostering dialogue between stakeholders and joint actions on sustainable development. Professional federations play a key role in providing support for companies, especially by developing resources and tools.

*Sectors in 2014 : Air, Aerospace, Chemicals, Cleaning industries, Electrical and electronics, Engineering, Health and pharmaceuticals, Insurance, Public works, Quarries and construction materials, Telecommunications, and Tiles and bricks

Sectors in 2016 : Automotive sector, Chemicals industry (updated), Cleaning industry (updated), Commerce and distribution sector, Communications agencies consultancy sector, Event and meeting industry, Engineering industry (updated), Food industry, Mining, minerals and metals industry, Textile industry, Tiles and bricks industry (updated)